
Face Yoga for Glowing Skin: Try These 7 Essential Ones

The face is what your external appearance looks like. Hence, it is almost everyone’s dream to have a clean face and that too glowing....

5 Effective Yoga for Asthma: Breathe a Sigh of Relief

With the increase of a huge amount of pollutants and adulterants in the air, asthma has taken over almost every household. This is extremely...

5 Effective Yoga for Belly Fat: Follow The Steps For A Flat Tummy

Belly fat is a major problem in the present time. Sometimes, even if we are not that obese, that bulge makes us feel odd....

Effective Yoga for Beginners: Try These 6 Poses Now!

Who knew the healthy physical and mental practice that started during the Indus Valley Civilization will flourish throughout the world! The most amazing fact...

7 Power Yoga Poses for Weight Loss: Effective Ways with Positive Vibes

Yoga has derived its name from the Sanskrit word ‘Yoking’ which means ‘Union’. Tracing back to 3000 BCE, yoga has its roots in ancient...

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